
Showing posts from January 29, 2017

New 'Beauty and the Beast' Trailer Features That Classic Song

Beauty and the Beast   took third place on Fandango's recent survey of the   most anticipated movies of 2017 . Considering how beloved the original animated film is, that's not too surprising on its own, but it's extra impressive when you consider it leads the likes of   Wonder Woman ,   Spider-Man: Homecoming ,   Justice League   and   Logan . It's all because Disney's new  Beauty and the Beast   is a perfect storm of source material, nostalgia, and raw talent. Most movies can work wonders with just two of those ingredients, but all three? That's when true movie magic happens. And based on the new trailer for   Beauty and the Beast --   explosive in its drama,   and  featuring the classic song "Tale As Old As Time"   --  we are in for a whole lot of movie magic with Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Ewan McGregor, Emma Thompson, Ian McKellen and many, many more.

The Oscars Didn't Like Deadpool As Much As The Rest Of Us Liked Deadpool

After an awards season that saw Deadpool get nominated for many more awards than people expected (like, well, any), the possibility that it might receive the coveted Oscar nomination seemed to become more and more real. The day has now come and the answer is here. Unfortunately, the merc with a mouth's luck ran out, as Deadpool did not receive any nominations from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of movies out there, the ones that win awards, and the ones that everybody actually goes to see. These two categories rarely come together, except in the occasional technical category nomination like visual effects. However, Deadpool was proving to be something different. At this year's Golden Globes Ryan Reynolds was nominated for Best Actor and the film received a Best Picture nomination in the musical or comedy category. While it didn't take either award home, that wasn't the end for the film's...

Apparently Split Gave Away Its Twist Ending On Its Poster

A rather astute user on Imgur noticed the fact that if you take one of the international poster for Split and mapped it up next to the poster for Unbreakable , you'll see that the glass is cracked on both posters in such a way that they connect. So instead of two panes of glass being broken, you see one gigantic piece fractured over the course of two images. Kevin has literally fractured David's world in this visual metaphor, which is interesting considering where M. Night Shyamalan is going with these movies. Considering that there could be a third Unbreakable universe film on the way, the fractured glass indicates a sort of disruption in this universe's fabric. What's causing this disruption? The existence of superpowered/special ability wielding humans, such as David, Kevin, and to the alternative extent, Mr. Glass. With the discovery of such persons, the world will start to change in order to combat any threats these people may pose to the rest...